Contrary to many predictions the
value of the Australian dollar appears stuck in that US78-80c range when
many believed it would be 10-20 per cent lower.
So why is it staying stubbornly high and, as a result, how does that affect your investment strategy?
put all this in perspective, the long term average of the Australian
dollar against the greenback is in the mid to low 70 US cents. At around
the current US80c it is above the historic average and many currency
gurus are saying take advantage of it while you can, because it won’t
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when that fall back to the historic average comes is anyone’s guess. In
the mean time be aware of what drives the value of our currency and
when those drivers start to falter you’ll know when that drop is coming.
The Australian dollar is basically being driven by interest rates, commodity prices and the low US dollar.
Australia has the highest official interest rates in the world, and
we have a good stable economy. So when an overseas fund manager is
looking at maximising the income returns on their investments, they’re
automatically attracted to putting their money here because they get a
better interest rate without a big increase in risk.
That means
more investment dollars flowing into Australia chasing higher interest
rates which, in turn, pushes up the value of the currency.
investors also see Australia as a giant quarry. We are a trading
nation, and a lot of that trade centres around natural resources, such
as iron ore, coal, copper, and gold being shipped primarily to China.
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commodity prices rise, overseas investors see Australian resource
stocks as a way of riding the commodity sector and as exposure to a
growing China.
Many predicted a lower Australian dollar based
around a stronger American economy pushing their interest rates higher
which would boost the US dollar.
That started to happen ... then
along came Donald Trump as President. As a result of the political and
economic uncertainties revolving around his behaviour the Federal
Reserve has put future interest rate hikes on hold.
This change to
expectations has meant the value of the US dollar has stayed low in
value which keeps the Australian dollar higher than expected.
investors, some advisers are even recommending investing in US dollars
and euros themselves because if those currencies appreciate against the
Australian dollar, you’ll make a profit based on that.
David Koch says uncertainty around President Trump contributed to a hold on rate hikes.Source:Supplied
shoppers and travellers, holidays overseas and buying online from
overseas means your Aussie currency buys a lot more US dollar and euro
Imported goods like electricals (how cheap can TVs
get), technology and cars have dropped in price while we’re being
cushioned at the pump from rising oil prices.
For small business
the high value of the Australian dollar means any imported machinery or
office equipment is dirt cheap and should be taken advantage of.
the down side of a high currency is that our exports are less
competitive and that can hurt the economy. When the currency drops, our
exports will be more competitive and will hopefully help these
industries which are battling for survival at the moment.
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From an investment point of view:
high Aussie dollar benefits companies which are big importers like
retailers or airlines whose huge petrol bill will reduce in value.
Exporters, like the big mining companies, will be disadvantaged.
the dollar falls then the reverse is true and companies with big
overseas operations will benefit when they bring profits back home.
biggest impact of a high Australian dollar is that it becomes more
expensive for foreign investors to buy here. But those foreign buyers
would have been already been affected changes to stamp duty laws and a
tightening of finance.
If the currency falls then those foreign buyers could start refocusing here.
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